As a Care Worker in The Netherlands, you will join the dynamic team of one of the largest healthcare institutions in the region.
This role presents diverse opportunities across various sectors including home care, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centers. Your dedication to providing attentive care to clients will be paramount in this role. Whether it’s short shifts or longer ones, spanning from morning to night, you’ll have the flexibility to set your availability.

Who you are

  • EU passport
  • Nursing qualification valid in the EU
  • Availability to learn Dutch
  • Willing to move to The Netherlands
  • Able to communicate in English

What we offer

  • A 100% paid Dutch language course to ensure effective communication in your workplace
  • A professional career as a registered Nurse/Care Worker in the Netherlands
  • Starting salary between € 2.200,70 and € 2.937,68 per month based on a 36-hour workweek
  • Enjoy 25 days of paid vacation per year,
  • Registration as a healthcare professional in the Netherlands
  • Paid transfer to the Netherlands, pick-up at the airport
  • Travel the Dutch way and receive a bike, or 0,19 ct per km expensese
  • Professional and personal coach for seamless integration
  • Onboarding activities and half-yearly community-building initiatives
  • Housing options if desired
  • You work together with fun, friendly and open-minded and supportive colleagues.          Join us in making a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve. Apply now and embark on an enriching journey in the vibrant healthcare sector of the Netherlands.
Publicēts: 01.08.2024
Komentāru skaits: 0
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